Can You Use Drano in Garbage Disposal? Decide Yourself

What if you find your garbage disposal clogged? Do you look for alternatives or directly put Drano in it? I ask you, for the experiment cost me garbage disposal beyond repair. So, learn to know what I want to convey regarding whether Can You Use Drano in the Garbage Disposal to make your choice in the right direction.

The idea of using Drano does not harm the disposal. However, do not make it a routine and act upon all the mindful preventions before walking on the chemical pathway. Otherwise, stick to the natural ways that promote garbage disposal goodwill in all situations.

The article covers the statement of whether you opt for using Drano in disposal. Also, you do not worry about how to use it as I will highlight some useful tips. However, you must consider the alternatives if finding your disposal unit does not accept a hard-core chemical.

Is it Okay to Put Drano Down a Garbage Disposal?

Sometimes, it is okay to put Drano in the disposal, for it lies in between certainty and uncertainty. On the one hand, you are allowed to use it and on the next second, it could damage your disposal.

Furthermore, the reason you must dig is the harmful chemical from which the cleaner is composed, sodium hydroxide. It affects garbage disposal pipes resulting in wearing them down, and entrusting fumes when combined with ammonia or bleach.

Also, the chemical generates heat in the presence of water which is better for dislodging clogs. Even then, you may see that the plumbing system and the machinery do not remain the same as before if trapped inside the garbage disposal.

Can you Put Drano in a Clogged Garbage Disposal?

You can put Drano in a clogged disposal when nothing works. In spite of a sturdy machine for food grinding, it cannot handle chemical cleaners. However, there are a few options except Drano Professional Strength Crystals Clog Remover you can carry out.

  • Drano Max Gel Clog Remover
  • Drano Dual-Force Foamed Clog Remover
  • Drano Max Build-Up Remover
  • Drano Liquid Drain Cleaner

What to Use Instead of Drano?

The following methods serve as an alternative to putting Drano in disposal. There are mostly three methods that will benefit you.

Garbage Disposal Plunger

A plunger is a convenient technique to clear garbage disposal jamming. You must fill the sink with water and position the plunger so that it does not budge during suction. The next step is to put it up and down to create air pressure, helpful in clearing the stuck particles from the disposal pipes.

Garbage Disposal Plunger

Allen Wrench

What is better than using a tool specifically designed for garbage disposal troubleshooting? The Allen wrench is worth the try when you find stubborn clogs blocking the tutor linings. The steps start by picking a wrench and inserting it into a socket below the disposal.

Then you must turn it in either direction until the flywheel loses the resistance and frees the clogs. The end result is checking the disposal by turning it on and running the cold water.

Allen Wrench for garbage disposal

Baking Soda and Vinegar

The most effective remedy I have ever encountered for garbage disposal is a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. You can initiate it for the garbage disposal deep cleaning it and make it odor free. Prepare the mixture by adding a half cup of baking soda and one cup of vinegar.

At this time, you can pour the mixture into the disposal and wait for the reaction to do its job. The frizzing reaction is strong enough to clear the debris, grease, and stuck food chunks. After 15-20 minutes, you can rinse the solution by running cold water.

Baking Soda and Vinegar for disposal

How Long to Flush Drano with Hot Water?

Putting Drano in the disposal takes the same amount of time as compared to other cleaning agents. However, you must leave the Drano for 15-20 hours in the septic system before running near-to-hot water.

Is it Safe to Put Drano in a Disposal?

You can safely put Drano in a disposal once a week to clear the stubborn clogs. Do not use it for more than the recommended time as it will directly attack the disposal pipes and corrode them.

Summing Up