Can You Use wd40 on a Garbage Disposal? Explained

Recently, I discovered my garbage disposal locks up due to accumulate rust beneath the surface. The idea of using wd40 on disposal instantly come into my mind. Before I invited further damage, I preferred to ask the technician and got my answer. Can you use wd40 on a garbage disposal must be a debatable question to talk about.

You cannot use wd40 for lubricating the disposal. It dulls the machine’s impellers and reduces the efficiency of grinding the food chunks into smaller particles. However, make use of the alternatives like ice cubes and vinegar to do disposal cleaning.

The article will cover the justification of why wd40 is unresponsive towards disposal. In addition, you must learn other methods to maintain garbage disposal hygiene other than putting grease into it.

Can You Use wd40 on a Garbage Disposal?

No matter how much reputation a wd40 earns in cleaning machine spare parts, it does not use on the disposal. The reasons are noteworthy to increase your information regarding spraying wd40 for lubricating or removing debris from the disposal machine.

Impellers Become Dull

Garbage disposal does not stand out alone in churning the food particles alone. All the parts work in coordination and ensure the fine particles reach the septic system. If you put greasy substances into the disposal, probably it takes as a lubrication agent and makes the blades ineffective.

Reduce Machines Efficiency

You must think to what extent does the wd40 make disposal in a non-action state? Even though it does not contribute to overheating and motor burning, you will see that machine does not perform well as it used to.

The appliance has shredders that lose their ability to cut food particles. Also, they are not sharp enough to hold food at once, reducing the working capacity and increasing the hours to get the work done.

Incomplete Food Grinding

The food that goes inside the garbage disposal has no exit except the local water treatment plants. The case is valid for only food waste which reaches the stage of complete processing. But what about those food scraps that become the victim of incomplete grinding?

The reason for the argument emphasizes that those parts involve in food churning are ineffective, leaving the larger food particles inside the garbage disposal to form clogs and whatnot.

What Can I Pour Down Garbage Disposal to Clean it?

What if you don’t find wd40 an essential way to get rid of dirt from the garbage disposal, you still have other options to do it. The simple household techniques will take you several minutes and do wonders.

Vinegar and Baking Soda

As long as you are concerned about the garbage disposal cleaning, no other ingredients will help you except vinegar and baking soda. The chemical reaction between these two removes dirt from the drains and dislodges extreme clogs.

All you have to do is to pour one cup of white vinegar into the sink drain attached to the garbage disposal and run half cup of baking soda as a topping. Leave the solution for 15-20 minutes, and you will see the frothiness; cleaning your garbage disposal in a while.

Vinegar Baking Soda for Garbage

Ice Cubes

What you mean to say is that your garbage disposal needs lubrication. But spraying wd40 is not allowed. However, you can trick your disposal machine and put a handful of ice cubes into it to sharpen the blades. The easy and all-time available method will let you decrease the time you finish food grinding.

Ice Cubes for disposal blade sharpness

What Can I Pour Down Garbage Disposal to Clean it?

Garbage disposal cleaning do not dependent on cleaning sprays. Instead, you can do the task by favoring the help of baking soda, vinegar, rock salt, and ice cubes. If you are interested in making your machine smell fresh, using chopped lemon and citrus peels is the best alternative to specifically designed cleaners.

Can You Pour Olive Oil Down the Garbage Disposal?

No, you cannot pour olive oil down the garbage disposal, for it becomes the reason for forming clogs inside the drains. The only way to dispose is by putting it into an airtight container and sending it to the recycling plant.

Summing Up