InSinkErator Evolution Excel vs Prestige – Differences Explained

You must wonder how to emancipate from those disposers that reach disaster faster than you breathe. Don’t you? The best move is to take a U-turn at the InSinkErator brand store and choose one from the Evolution category. The fine features and extraordinary specifications serve you at their best. In this regard, I aim to let you read the comparison analysis between two workaholic machines, that is InSinkErator Evolution Excel vs Prestige.

The biggest difference by which you identify Excel garbage disposal from the Prestige is the sound isolation capacity which made quiet garbage disposal than its competitor. Also, there are other features, such as anti-reverse, jam sensor circuit, or availability of the power cord that let Excel in the limelight before Prestige comes on the stage.

The article cuts the threads of the overlap between InSinkErator’s Excel and Prestige garbage disposal and comes up with the statements that make them different. In addition, I also go with explaining similarities so you can better understand both according to your preferences. 

InSinkErator Evolution Prestige vs Excel | Similarities

  • Feed Type: Continuous Feed Type
  • Horsepower: 1 HP
  • Grinding Stages: three stages
  • Motor: Dura-drive induction Material
  • Construction Material: Stainless Steel 
  • Grinding Chamber Capacity: 40 ounces
  • Speed: 1725 RPM

InSinkErator Garbage Disposal Evolution Excel vs Prestige

Why Evolution series must be your question regarding the choice of the garbage disposal for food pulverization? Note down the differences yourself and know why these machines prioritize over others. 

InSinkErator Excel vs Prestige disposal

Exterior Appearance

You do not worry about the elegant design of the garbage disposal as its final destination is under the kitchen cabinet. But both Evolution Excel and Prestige have surprisingly beautiful appearances exhibiting the industrial look with sleek edging. 

Also, the construction material is of only stainless-steel material, so you have no worry regarding the disposal unit damage due to corrosion and moisture. 

However, one difference that I can’t help but mention is the availability of the disposal unit in different color schemes. Evolution Excel has a look book of grey and chrome hues while the Evolution Prestige has dark blue and chrome colors. 

Final Verdict: there is nothing special in design that makes a garbage disposal superior to another. 

Sound Isolation

Another difference between Excel and Prestige is worth the hype but only if you observe it closely by running it. The difference in sound isolation directly links with the machine’s efficiency in taking you to the route of noiseless food grinding. 

The discussion of how far Excel and Prestige reduce noise levels is obvious from the category they come from. But if you want to choose between the two, it is Excel that is quieter due to Sound Seal Plus technology than Prestige which inculcate Sound Seal for the quiet series. 

Final Verdict: Evolution Excel marks its best in reducing noise than Evolution Prestige.


The simple prescription that helps diagnose who wins the battle in making the appliance worth buying is the availability of the complimentary accessories. No doubt every garbage disposal comes with additionally, such as a garbage disposal installation kit, drain stopper, power cord, or drain outlets.

The discussion that goes against the Evolution Prestige is that it does not have an included power cord and you need to buy it separately. On the other hand, Evolution Excel is in access with the option of getting the unit with or without the power supply cord.

Final Verdict: InSinkErator Evolution Excel is worth purchasing with all the accessories than Prestige.


You must dedicate the garbage disposal to your kitchen only after knowing how diligently it meets the food waste requirements in the budget you decide for the purchase. Even breaking apart is an issue that comes along. 

The premium models of the InSinkErator have InSinkErator-exclusive features to combat the garbage disposal complexities. Such are the anti-reverse and jam sensor features that identify imminent clogs and reverse the overall action. 

Both Excel and Prestige have auto reverse but the capacity to match the standard household requirement is more in Excel because it has jam sensor circuits installed in the machinery. Whereas the Prestige only auto-reverses the action without identifying upcoming clogs or blockages. Note down that the latter lacks purpose-built efficient circuits. 

Final Verdict: The evolution Excel model cares for the betterment of the garbage disposal with more features than Prestige. 

Where to Buy From?

Holding curiosity when you know every detail about the garbage disposal is like turning a yes into a forever no. So I want to make an informed decision that Evolution Excel is broadly available online. 

Whereas, if you are intrigued about the InSinkErator Evolution Prestige, it is restricted to only Lowe’s within the less expensive price range than the product investigated. 

Evolution Excel vs Prestige

What to look for when buying an InSinkErator?

You must consider certain things when buying an InSinkErator. The standard requirements for garbage disposal are durable construction material, sturdy build quality, range of horsepower for motor running, and sound deadening features to ensure the machine lasts longer. 

How much electricity does a InSinkErator use?

All the InSinkErator disposers despite the Budget, Evolution, or Power Series do not consume a lot of power supply. On an average note, the range exists from 500 to 1800 watts. 

How long will an InSinkErator last?

Mostly InSinkErators last quite a long time from 8 to 12 years. However, if you pay constant attention to garbage disposal cleaning and maintenance tips, the lasting years serve you best for 15 years of tenure. 

Summing Up

No matter how much two appliances look alike, there must be something discoverable that makes them apart. You do not have to go into the maze of what to choose as the article explains those points that declare two garbage disposals as separate entities along with differences in pricing, presence of certain features, and power cord.