Waste King 3200 vs 3300 – 5 Differences Explained

Recently, I ditched my old InSinkErator garbage disposal model for one of the Waste King Legend series due to the availability of the power cord. Between what to choose and whatnot make me pause at Waste King 3200 and 3300. In this regard, I completed my research on their similarities and differences and prepare a guide on Waste King 3200 vs 3300 for all those who are in a situation like me. 

Waste King 3200 v 3300 are different from scratch. It does not mean they are poles apart in terms of technical specifications, but I mean to say that both garbage disposals have differences in their dimensions, warranty, current supply value, and sound insulation. Of course, the price range makes them different too. 

The article aims to find the best differences between Waste King 3200 and 3300 garbage disposals. In addition, why are this part of the legend series according to their similar specifications is a must to know. 

Waste King 3200 vs 3300 – Similar Specifications

The top-notch models representing the Waste King’s Legend line have some similar specifications. I would like to mention here so that you make your purchase without any confusion. 

  • Feed Type: Continuous Feed Type
  • Horsepower: 3/4 HP Garbage Disposal
  • Power Cord: Included
  • Speed: 2700 RPM
  • Installation: EZ mount system
  • Construction Material: Plastic and Stainless Steel
  • Motor Type: Permanent Magnet

Waste King 3200 vs 3300 | Differences

Every device is born to serve its purpose in its capacity, so stop gathering knowledge about it being similar and identical. Instead, focus on the minute plus primary details that make them apart. In this regard, there is a list of three differences you know about the Waste Kings’ Legend Series, that is L-3200 and L-3300.

Waste King 3200 vs 3300 Garbage Disposal

1. Waste King 3200 is Lighter in Size than 3300

You must have come across a situation when the 2-garbage disposal makes your purchase difficult due to their similar-looking design. The same is the case of the Waste King disposers, but this time the Legend series comes with two models that have changed dimensions for their customers to recognize in a go. 

Waste King 3200 is lighter and smaller with a height of 13.75 and a width of 7.75 than 3300. Plus, the weight machine measures its weight at 8.6 lbs. which is slightly less than its competitor to fit nicely under the cabinet without needing assistance during installation. 

On the other hand, L-3300 comprises heavier stature compared to its counterpart. You can notice the change in dimensions, such as 14.5 height and 8.5 width. Also, what I conclude is the 10 lbs. weight makes it surely a bigger device. 

2. L 3200 has Less Sound Insulation than L 3300

Another significant difference that changes your point of view of looking at the particular device is sound insulation. However, it only makes sense when you test the garbage disposals before to determine how far they perform well in reducing the unnecessary noise and vibrations reaching your ears.

If I tell you my observation, Waste King 3200 does a better job initially but opens up to the condition of being noisy that last until the food grinding stops. Whereas the L-3300 is one of the best quiet garbage disposals. It manages to reduce sound better and longer than the previous one. The reason is the bigger size includes an extra layer of insulation to do the task effectively. 

3. Waste King 3200 Draws Less Current Than 3300

Waste King garbage disposals are known to grind food waste with a high-speed motor. However, it is interesting to know that the amount of amperes it draws during the task is different for every device. 

Waste King L-3200 draws lesser amperes of around 4.5 amps to run the machine. Whereas, L3300 supplies more current of 6 amps for food processing after flipping the switch. 

4. Waste King 3200 Has Less Warranty Period than 3300

Generally, all garbage disposal models of the Waste King are known for their longer warranties than other brands. Also, they have their standard protocols of providing a warranty for in-home parts and corrosion-free chambers, but it is non-transferable, unlike InSinkErator where the warranty shifts not only to the buyer but to the other person whom the disposal and home handover after selling. 

Let’s see who steals the show when the discussion is between Waste King 3200 and 3300. The former is a step behind in providing the repair or replacement services for 8 years while the latter has 10 years to facilitate the users. Remember, you can change or repair grinding chambers anytime, for they come with a lifetime warranty.

5. Waste King 3300 is More Expensive Than Waste King 3200 

You better know the reason why L-3300 costs you more. Yes, it is the extra two years added in the warranty period and a slightly larger size due to increased inches in height. Also, clear your mind from the confusion regarding the changed price because it solely depends on the company’s policies. 

Waste King 3200 v 3300 – What to Choose?

You cannot prioritize Waste King’s one garbage disposal model over another, because both 3200 and 3300 comprise the same performance, construction, and installation. What makes them different, if avoidable, I advise you to look for the affordable product that is 3200. If your primary focus is on sound insulation and a long warranty, L-3300 must be your choice. 

For mor information read our Waste King L-3200 Review.

How Do I Reset My Waste King Disposal?

The process of resetting the Waste King garbage disposal is simple, for it comes with a Reset Button to do this task. You only have to press the stay-in button located opposite side where the power cord protrudes in situations of not turning, humming, or cooling it down from overheating. 

Why is my waste king disposal not turning on?

The reason why the Waste King garbage disposal not turning on is due to tripped reset button. If you notice the reset button is intact, there are chances that the wire connection supplying power to the unit becomes loose or faults in the wall switch. Also, you must not ignore the internal technical fault that stops the machine from turning on. 

Over To You

When choosing between two disposers, you cannot give thumbs up to one’s performance while neglecting the other. As they both do good, the fair chance is to decide by looking at the budget and preferences. The article is a clear demonstration of the points of difference between Waste King 3200 and 3300 garbage disposals. Read carefully and maximize the power of a wise purchase. 

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